viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

Financial Independence

Hi everyone ! I hope you are ok. It was a rough week but let's be positive (?): It's FRIDAY ! :)

Todays topic of the blog is the financial independence... Well, everyone knows that I'm in college, and i have to study a lot, so that consumes almost all my free time... Due to that I dont have a job, so i dont make my own money. Instead of that, my dad sends me certain mount of money every month for my needs. 

One of the biggest problems i have is that i don't live with my parents, i live by my own and i had to learn to administrate the money that my dad gaves me, for my needs, like buying lunch, charge my transport card, buy food, maybe some fruits, and the materiales that i need due to my career: Dentistry.
This materials regrettably, are veeery expensive so big part of my money is spent in dental materials.


Some times i try to save the money in the bank account, but most of the time I spent all. So,  like i recently said, i save my money in the bank so when i need money i have to go to a cash machine. I always try to save some moeny but is a little bit imposible... Santiago is an expensive city and so it this my career :(

Someday, when i had my own momey i will save it, because i think that is very important have my money in case.

However there's a biggest problem behind the financial independence theme... is about the wealth distribution in Chile that is very uneven

While some people have it all, and in the other face of the coin we have some people that dosen't have it all...  Maybe one of the things you can do is a project that should be done to support these persons

viernes, 24 de octubre de 2014

Good and Bad Points !!

Hello everyone, I hope you're all ok and having a great week :)

Today's topic is about the good and bad points so far. I consider this topic as a difficult one because there's so much things i can talk about, many achievements and also failures. I don't like to talk about my life actually so I'm going to talk about this last year
Personally this year has been about changes, adaptation, suffer falls, achievements... Is been a weird year !

I'm living in a different city, because of the college and the adaptation process is very rough starting with the fact that I'm living by my own, without my parents, and in this short time lapse I've had to learn to live alone, cook, clean the house, go to the grocery and also study ... I was very sad because i was having bad grades because of the adaptations problems as i mentioned before, and because i don't know how is the best way to study. Also, the study was consuming my time... I think that is very difficult the organization part... at least for me has been imposible so far. 

But besides of all the bad things, I'm very happy and thankful for the good things of this year. I've met new people, made new friends, learning to live by my own. I'm happy to because I like my career, and it was very difficult to me to get here.


Somethings that i haven't done yet and i would like to do (maybe its going to sound very silly) is to explore this city... I think Santiago has a very nice and beautifuls sites that i don't know yet and i would like to... Maybe someday :) 

Leave your comments :B

sábado, 18 de octubre de 2014

How green we are?

Hello everyone!!
Hope you are ok!! 
Todays topic is about how "green" we are...
We all know how important is the enviroment to us because the trees and plants gave us the oxygen we breath so... Practically whitout them we will die. 
Nowadays theres a lot of people who is worried about the situation of the planet... The contamination is reaching the most dangerous levels ever !

For that reason, theres a big organization who is trying to stop this. That organization is Greenpeace. This company had a lot of people helping with the cause all over the world, and besides of all the campaings they are doing, they also are trying to educate people, the new generations, because maybe they can save the world :) 
Besides of the organizations is also important that we, as persons who live in this planet, get involved with the cause and get worried about the situation of the planet... But how we can help with this? Easy !! Taking care of the water, turning off the lights when we are not using it, recycling, walking or maybe ride a bike besides riding a car. Those are actions that can help to save the planet
Personally I tried to join to Greenpeace but i was under 18 and I wasnt allowed to do that. Now i dont even try... But i think that besides of joining to a organization is more important do things to take care the planet by my own.

viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

The technologies

Hi everyone! I hope everyone is ok
Today's theme is about the new technologies and how they have changed social relationships in a negative way.
I think we all agree in the fact that technologies have facilitated our life's in a incredible way... I mean, we can talk with friends that live in another country just by clicking a button, we can find everything we want on the internet, we can play, we can watch movies, play music... we can do everything we want ...However, technologies brings negative things too, like the way we treat people, or the way we talk to each other... Before the technologies the relationships between the persons was more "intimate" because they speak to each other face to face, or they send letters, or a little bit more actual, they can call to each other by the phone.Now, the only necessary thing to speak with someone else is having connection to the internet because you can send a message by whatsapp, by Facebook, or sms. People don't even call actually, they don't make visits to their friends...

In my opinion, is even worst when you are talking, or eating with friends and they are seeing their phones every second and it does seems that they are not paying attention in what you are saying. 

Besides, the time that people spends online is huge... 
I have a little brother, who is 11 years old. He plays online games all day, he can spend 8 hours playing. My mom sometimes tries to make that he doesn't play that much but is impossible...
The technologies create an addiction sometimes, but the important thing is trying to controlate the situation.
However, not everything is so bad and if we know how to use the technologies in a right way, they can be very useful for us

Leave your comment!

viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014

My future job

Hello everyone... Well, today i had an horrible test, I'm sooo tired and I just wanna sleep for like 300 hours.... :( In this moment I want my bed so hard hahaha
Anyway, todays topic is about my future jooob..
In this moment, I'm studying dentistry, and I really want to work on that because I think that the labor of a dentist is so beautiful, and useful, because they basically return to the people their smiles.

However, besides to work on a hospital or a medical clinic I would like to have and outdoor job... something that allows me to travel all around the world... I like that, I would love to meet new people, new places and have some new experiences.
In fact, before of deciding to study dentistry i wanted to study Tourism, because is a job that allows you to travel, and i consider that is a veeeery funny, and then I wanted to be a stewardess. In fact, I still want it, so maybe in the future i'll make a Flight Attendant Course. That will be awesome and fun.

Anyway, I'm very happy with my decision, because I imagine myself being my own boss, having my own dental clinic and helping people that dont have the posibility to acces to a dental treatment and returning them their smiles. That is totally priceless.

viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2014

Design an app

Hi everyone. It`s been a long since the last time i post something on the blog... But, here's a new post.

So, if I could create an app, what would it be ?
I would create something like Shazam but for t.v series, movies, music videos, etc. (besides of the music, of course) and I'd name it like: RekoniApp which it meas "Recognize" in Asparanto Language.

I think that would be so awesome and very useful because, if you are watching a really good movie on the bus in your way to another city, for example, and suddenly you have to get off in the next stop, but you don't know the name of the movie and it's getting so good, and you can't see the finale... Personally I think that it's a very frustrating situation.

So, with this App that wouldn't happen ! Because you can take a picture of any scene, or record some dialogue, and upload to the application server, wait just a few seconds and the app will give you the name of the movie and a little review. And obviously, you can do the same with any t.v series, music video, etc...

This app would benefit all kind of people without distinction, because it has happened to all of us that we don't know the name of a movie and we didn't saw the final... and, of course, we want to watch it, or we are listening a song on the radio and we want to know the name of it.
So, with this app we can be happy persons :D

Bye !

viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014

Best concert ever

Hi friends, today's topic is about the best concert I've ever gone to.

November 11 of 2011 I read at the newspaper that Bruno Mars was coming to Chile for the very first time.

I get really excited because he was (and he is) my favourite singer ever. i love his songs, his style and his voice. So i run into my dad's bedroom and i beg for the ticket concert, and then I called my cousin to tell her that Bruno Mars was coming to Chile and we get very excited and happy because she loves him to.
My dad bought me the ticket at the next week and i was really happy in that moment.
So, i came to Santiago with my uncle and my cousin three days before the concert, that was in January 19th of 2012
That day we get up very early (the concert was at 20.00 pm) and went to Parque O'higgins to wait until the concert starts. We wait a lot... it looked like an eternity, but we made a lot of friends that day. It was really pretty because I met awesome and kind people and nowadays we keep in contact.
So, the hour came and we enter to the Movistar Arena to wait until Bruno's presentation.
The openers were a chilean group called Madvanna. It was very cool but we are anxious to watch Bruno so we didn't hear that much the songs of that group.
One hour after, Bruno showed up on stage. It was AMAZING.

He showed up alone on the stage just with his guitar and start singing "On top of the world"
We were so excited and we sung all of the songs.

The concert lasted 1 hour and a half and it was one of the best moments in my life.
I really want to go to a new concert of him because he is awesome on stage, his voice sounds even better in live.
So, thats all for today. I hope you all like the post of this week.
Leave your comments :D